Is Web Publishing killing Print Publications?

As a former bookstore manager, I would say YES! Book people will tell you ‘there is something about holding a printed book, print will never die’, to this I say put your money where your mouth is. Based on the shrinking number of book retailers and the sales figures, most people are getting their content…

RSS feeds

A Rich Site Summary, RSS feed, also called Really Simple Syndication, is a format for getting digital content delivered. Companies, new sites, and bloggers can push content to subscribers, reaching the people that are interested in their site/updates. Subscribers can use creation software or create their own XML code. Wikihow gives you a step by…

What is content management system (CMS)?

CMS is the management of digital content through software or programs. That doesn’t explain anything to someone who doesn’t speak tech. So, think of CMS as your Facebook account: you create a page, invite your friends, post pictures, status updates, comment on others pictures or updates. Page creation: you are creating a place to view…

Cons to using is easy to use for the most part, but frustrating if you aren’t familiar with the site. Finding where the different tools are and what is available is a bit time consuming. Using copy/paste to add content is great, just make sure it is formatted the way you need it before. Changing bullet points…

Pros to using to create a web page is a fairly easy site to use, once you figure out where and what everything is. It is a drag and drop type of HTML coding. You create amazing pages without knowing any code. The templates offer a wide variety of options as a jumping off point. Nice selection of free images and backgrounds in…

Dreamweaver Mobile Development

Media Queries Dreamweaver makes it simple to add media queries making  your page mobile friendly. You can copy and paste code from the original CSS file into the mobile CSS and make re-time changes. If you right click it gives you a pop up box with different options, making it even easier….if that is even possible….

Dreamweaver Fluid Grids

  Fluid Grid Layout lets you design your web page for different media types at the same time. A simple button click to switch between the media types to view your current layout. The ability to adjust the page and the program updates the CSS file as you save. I really liked the idea of having a…

Dreamweaver begins

  I really enjoyed this  beginner tutorial . It shows the basics of the program and how easy it is to use.  I honestly didn’t have a clue what Dreamweaver was, until this assignment.  I t really takes design basics to the next level and fast. My favorite is how it helps you set up your different folders,…

How to deal with clients?

The struggle of dealing with clients who do not know exactly what they want or maybe that know exactly what they want – and can’t get it.   The I don’t know customer   Be prepared, they expect you to know EVERYTHING, if you’re lucky. Have a portfolio prepared, clients that don’t know what they…

Web Development team

How many people do you need for a team?  Who are they and what do they bring to the project?  Who’s in charge of what? Web Manager, Content Editor, Content Producer, Social Media Producer, User Experience Designer, Graphic Designer, Front-end Developer, Back-end Developer, and IT Architecture Engineer are some of the major players on the…

The lifecycle of Web Development

The lifecycle of web development has four major steps: plan, develop, deliver, and maintain. Let’s start with some basics, who is the client? Are they looking for a new page or an entire site? What type of tech do they use and what are they looking for in the site? Who is on your team…

My first WordPress Blog

Hello, welcome to my Web Design II blog.  Tidewater Community College is taking me to new places.